Latest News
Here’s a taste of some of the news from NCH&C...
15th November 2018
Norfolk palliative care centre scores highly again in national survey
The Priscilla Bacon Centre, a specialist palliative care unit in Norwich, run by Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust (NCH&C) has once again been rated highly by relatives in a recent survey about the care their loved ones received.
3rd November 2018
Norfolk’s community health care trust wins additional funding for pioneering Mobile Community Working Project
Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust (NCH&C) has been awarded additional funding from Eastern Academic Health Science Network (EAHSN) for continuing to improve access to patient records for clinicians by implementing a TPP Mobile Application.
15th August 2018
NHS teams celebrate 10th Norwich Pride
NHS teams from Norfolk, supported by the Royal College of Nursing and Unison, joined the 10th Norwich Pride parade on Saturday 28th July 2018.
16th June 2018
Health Trust celebrates national first in “outstanding” rating
Staff at Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust are celebrating today after being awarded an “outstanding” rating for their care – a first for a standalone NHS community Trust in England.
3rd June 2018
Volunteering is a work of heart
Over 100 volunteers from Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust (NCH&C) attended a picnic at Norwich Cathedral to celebrate their dedicated service and achievements.
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