My Nursing Career Journey: Kirstie Sainsbury-Logan, Clinical Lead Manager

My Nursing Career Journey: Kirstie Sainsbury-Logan, Clinical Lead Manager

As part of our International Nurses’ Day celebrations, we’re sharing the career stories of some of the wonderful nurses that work within the trust.

Kirstie Sainsbury-Logan is the Clinical Lead Manager on our Out of Hours Nursing Team. Here’s her career story…

What attracted you to nursing?

I didn’t always want to be a nurse. Initially, I worked at a Holiday Camp for people with disabilities for five years.  Here, I gained a huge passion for patient-centred care and for ensuring everyone enjoyed a holiday whatever their disability. This inspired me to think about a career in healthcare, so I decided to explore nursing.

Tell me a bit about your nursing career path.

I gave birth to my first son the day I qualified so options were limited but I knew I wanted to work in the community.  I joined NCHC in 2005 as a Band 5 Bank nurse and loved it.  I spent most of my time with City 3 and eventually took a post with them during Integration and Transformation. I started working on Out of Hours, Central in 2013 as a Band 6 and saw a very different and exciting side to Community Nursing.  I undertook my Specialist Practitioner Qualification in District Nursing, sponsored by NCH&C, in 2016 and qualified as a District Nurse.  I became the Clinical Lead Manager of Out of Hours, Central in 2018 and this is where I am now. I was also awarded my  Queen’s Nurse title in 2019 which is one of my proudest moments as a Nurse.

What is your biggest learning from being a nurse?

Teamwork, kindness and compassion to others

What are the best things about being a community nurse?

The privilege of being able to help others who need help in their own homes

What would your one piece of advice be to someone starting their career in nursing?

Don’t be swayed by the notion that you have to work in a hospital before you come into the community.  Do what you feel is best for you.  There are so many different kind of nursing posts and not all of them need to be in an acute setting.

Was there anyone that inspired you earlier in your career? What did they teach you?

I do remember the “Night Sister” in the hospital I trained at. A true classic Sister who demonstrated authority and trust but with compassion and kindness

What is your favourite part of the job?

Visiting patients and working with other people.

Any anecdotes or stories from your nursing days?

I remember when I was a student nurse working in A&E on New Year’s Eve.  The department was completely empty at midnight and all the staff sang Auld Lang Syne in the front car park.  Such a memorable night but of course it didn’t last long, the department soon filled up after that!