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Happy 75th birthday to our NHS

Happy 75th birthday to our NHS

Treating 1.3 million people a day in England, the NHS touches all of our lives.

When it was founded in 1948, the NHS was the first universal health system to be available to all, free at the point of delivery. Those principles remain as relevant, and valued, today as they did in the years after the Second World War.

And since then, the NHS has innovated and adapted to meet the needs of each successive generation, always putting patients at the heart of everything it does.

None of this would be possible without the skill, dedication and compassion of NHS staff and volunteers. From the midwives who help bring us into the world, the GPs and pharmacists who are our first port of call when we are sick, the nurses, doctors and other clinicians who care for us in our time of need, the porters and cleaners who keep our hospitals moving, and the hundreds of thousands of dedicated staff and volunteers in between – our people are the driving force in helping us do this.

This week we’ve been celebrating the NHS and the staff and volunteers who work within it. Here are some photos from our celebrations:

NHS75 at NCH&C

Our Podiatry team get into the birthday spirit


NHS75 at NCH&C

The Rapid Assessment Team completed the Wear Blue for The NHS with blue tights


NHS75 at NCH&C

Patients and staff at Alder Ward will be completing 750 miles in 75 days to raise money

Charity at NCH&C

The NCH&C Charity celebrated with Big Tea events

Charity at NCH&C