Supporting staff Wellbeing

We've sent all managers a copy of a new poster/leaflet

Our brand new ‘How Are You Really?’ poster/leaflet should have arrived with you via the post and we’re encouraging managers to read though the information and cascade details to teams/colleagues in your next huddle or team meeting. If your copy hasn’t arrived, please contact the Communications Team and we can send you some copies. All of our Wellbeing resources, tools, guides and support information for staff and their families can be found on this website, just go to the Wellbeing pages.

How are you, really?

The fold out ‘How are you, really?’ guide has pages covering:

As well as containing lots of information for you to refer to, the document can be cut up and each A4 page used as a separate poster to display in staff areas. Or, if you fold it out completely you can display the larger poster on the back of the document.

Extra copies of the leaflet/poster are available. Email for more information.