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Job vacancies in North Norfolk

Jobs in North Norfolk

NCH&C offers services to 900,000 people across the whole of Norfolk. These services are operated from more than 70 sites including inpatient units and community hospitals, and medical and health centres. Most of our health and care however is provided in people’s homes.

We have a number of vacancies open in our North Norfolk teams at the moment:

For all our vacancies across the whole of Norfolk, click here.

What’s it like being part of our team in North Norfolk?

Simone Bunting (Young) is a Community Physiotherapist in our NN3 Aylsham Community Nursing & Therapy Team tell us why she loves working in the community:

“There are many positive aspects of working in the community including being able to see patients in their own home environment, which gives you such a good holistic picture of them and how you can best support them and empower them to achieve the best quality of life.  It is also a really flexible way of working.

“In addition to this, being able to travel to patients surrounded by lovely North Norfolk scenery and seeing something different every day makes for a very stimulating working environment.

“The North Norfolk 3 Community team is incredible, and you will feel extremely welcomed and supported by a very competent, compassionate and friendly team.”

Click here to find out about our many different roles at NCH&C