Listen to the latest episode of The Handover

Episode 3 of The Handover

We’re pleased to announce that Episode 3 of our podcast, The Handover, is now live.

Click here to listen to it.

The Handover is all about handing over updates and information. That’s both us to you, and you to us. This podcast is created with the aim of being an excellent two-way platform for having a conversation with all of our colleagues.

In this episode of The Handover, we catch up on the key projects at NCH&C:


Once again, a huge thank you to all colleagues who took part in this episode. We hope everyone finds what we’ve talked about interesting.

We can only make these conversations happen with you, so do get involved if you have an idea for what we can cover in future episodes. If you’d like us to come out and interview your team about your work, get in touch:


The Handover is available on the following platforms – Apple PodcastsSpotifyYouTubeAmazon Music and Buzzsprout