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What is a Red to Green meeting?

What is a Red to Green meeting?

Earlier this year the former Priscilla Bacon Lodge building at Colman Hospital in Norwich was  reopened as Birch Unit to provide care for category P2 patients. It has been operating as a temporary preparation ward ahead of the Willow Therapy Unit opening at Norwich Community Hospital later this year.

Birch Unit is operating the same therapy-led model of care that will be provided at the Willow Therapy Unit and is staffed by colleagues recruited to work at Willow when it opens.

We recently went to talk to staff about their work at Birch Unit to see how they have worked together to launch this new model of care, and roll it out successfully for the benefit of patients in Norfolk and Waveney.

The team holds a daily Red to Green meeting. The Red to Green approach aims to reduce a patient’s length of stay, identifying avoidable delays in progressing a patient’s care.

Red to Green meetings

Mark, Advanced Nursing Practitioner at Birch Ward, talked us through the daily Red To Green meetings the team has on our podcast The Handover. He said: “This is a daily event with a multi-disciplinary team approach. Colleagues from nursing, occupational therapy and physiotherapy are all involved. We go through each patient on the ward, with each team member talking about the patient, and we come up with a plan. Our focus is very much on working towards safe discharge.”

Hear more about the new model of care being provided at Birch Unit and Mark talk about Red to Green meetings here: