Thanks to our staff on NHS 75th anniversary


This week saw a big anniversary milestone for the NHS as it celebrated 75 years since it was established.

NCH&C was keen to mark the occasion and say a big thank you to all its staff and volunteers:

  • Staff were sent a commemorative badge and thank you card to their home addresses and volunteers also received a badge via their local volunteer coordinator
  • Our first NHS75 mural was unveiled at the Mulberry Gardens at Norwich Community Hospital today. We’ll be completing more decorative murals at trust sites throughout the NHS’s 75th year, so look out for details
  • Two NCH&C colleagues attended a reception for NHS staff at 10 Downing Street. Liz and Kim will be sharing a blog about their day soon
  • A special NHS75 episode of the trust podcast featuring a member of staff who has spent their entire career working for the NHS was launched

Many of our local teams organised their own events too. Have a look on our social media or at this news piece to see some photos from these celebrations. NHS75 celebrations will continue to happen for the rest of 2023 so we encourage colleagues to arrange their won events. It’s not too late to download your tea party pack, including printable bunting.

See a full roundup of all NHS75 events here.

We hope all our staff were able to mark this special milestone in a way that was meaningful to them. We want to say thank you again for your contribution to the rich and inspiring story of our NHS.