Recite Me

Our Nurses. Our Future: Rachel Stebbings, Clinical Research Nurse

Being a nurse to me involves using my clinical skills and knowledge to make a difference in someone’s life either directly or contributing to the wider multi-disciplinary team.  It is a rewarding but challenging career.

Rachel is a Clinical Research Nurse Wider Care and Community Settings. Read Rachel’s story to find out more…

Rachel Stebbings

My journey in nursing began in 2003 when I embarked on my training.  Since qualifying my clinical background has mainly been acute care.  I have worked in number of clinical specialities including Surgery, Critical Care, Infection Prevention and Control and Research.

Currently I work as a Research Nurse in Wider Care and Community Settings. This role allows me to extend the reach of research into diverse and underserved populations, spanning locations such as schools, care homes, hospices, and even prisons. The studies I conduct range from observational surveys to interventions like screening for type 1 diabetes in children. It’s a dynamic role that constantly challenges me to adapt and innovate.

I have always been inquisitive and interested in ways to improve patient care.  Research provides the evidence for treatments and change, ultimately improving outcome for patients.  I completed a MSc in Clinical Research which further encouraged my passion for this area of nursing.  Research nurses need to be pragmatic, adaptable and organised with an attention to detail.

Reflecting on my journey, if I were to offer one piece of advice to someone starting their nursing career, it would be; never assume anything, do not be afraid to question why you are doing something and consider a career in the community.  There are many services and opportunities available in NCH&C.