Speech and Language Therapists

Speech and Language Therapists

Speech and Language Therapists help people with conditions that affect their communication or eating, drinking and swallowing.

Support from a Speech and Language Therapist may help a person to lead a more fulfilling life, for instance, by getting back to work, make important life decisions, maintain relationships with loved ones or get back to having favourite foods and drinks without any risk of harm.

Meet the team

We’re a small but very friendly and supportive team who are passionate about delivering high quality, evidence-based care. We work closely with partner organisations such as acute hospital trusts, mental health trusts and the UEA.

Here’s our Central Adult Community Speech & Language Therapy Team:

Speech and Language Therapy Team

What does a Speech and Language Therapist do?

We see adults in their own homes, care/nursing homes, in clinics and on community inpatient units across central Norfolk. Most of the people we help have progressive neurological conditions that affect their ability to communicate or swallow food and drink safely. This may include people with dementia, Parkinson’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Motor Neurone Disease or Huntington’s disease as well as other conditions.

There are different adult Speech and Language Therapy teams at NCH&C who specialise in stroke, brain injury and people with learning disabilities. We don’t see anyone under the age of 18, the mainstream paediatric Speech and Language Therapy service is run by another local NHS Trust.