Mental Wellbeing
"…a state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community."
Mental wellbeing is dynamic and can change from moment to moment. NCH&C wants to empower employees to have positive mental health and encourage them to speak out about issues they are facing. The trust has a range of support in place to support staff including a Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy.
Mental wellbeing is dynamic and can change from moment to moment. NCH&C wants to empower employees to have positive mental health and encourage them to speak out about issues they are facing.
1 in five people take a day off due to stress. Yet 90% of these people cited a different reason for their absence
1 in six workers will experience depression, anxiety or problems relating to stress at any one time
Our current environment
Whilst we are in this stressful time it can be hard to see a way through, but this period will end. It can be hard to remember this particularly if we have loved ones who might be showing symptoms, have suffered from COVID-19 or remain unwell after a positive test result. Try to be kind to yourself and look after each other.
Self-help, podcasts, tools, techniques and Apps.
There is no doubt that we are currently living through a hugely difficult time, so it’s important that we take time to reflect on how we are feeling. It’s completely normal to feel stressed and anxious in challenging times such as this and to feel this way doesn’t mean we’re failing.
NHS Mental Health Hotline
Call 0300 131 7000
(7pm until 11pm every day)
or text FRONTLINE to 85258
Dealing with COVID-19 This brief animation talks about how to use ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) to deal with the COVID-19 crisis.
Videos for Wellbeing >Music
This site provides playlists, created to calm you down, enliven you, or offer self care and self-management of your mood and feelings. There are also videos with music to offer support for breathing and exercise.
Music for Wellbeing >Podcasts & Apps
FREE Headspace App
Headspace is a meditation and mindfulness app created with one vision in mind: to help you and everyone in the world get healthier and happier. To support healthcare professionals during this time, all NHS employees have free access to Headspace Plus, along with resources from the Headspace for Work program, until 31st December 2020. You just need to use your work email address to verify free access.