Family's Health
Whilst we are in this stressful time it can be hard to see a way through, but this period will end. It can be hard to remember this particularly when we have family members who we cannot see as regularly as we would like to and our lives and networks are being managed and maintained very differently to how it was before.

Advice relating to COVID-19 for families
Allocate a daily ‘worry time’. Use half an hour a day for ‘family worry time’ at the same time each day. Write lists, scribble on post-its, make notes on your phone and discuss together and resolve worries.
A good place to start looking for information on how to support your children is the Government guidance on supporting children and young people’s mental health. This link also provides an easy read guide for those who want to share information in an easy read format.
Reassure children, let them know that it is ok to feel upset and worried. Share with them how you deal with your stress so that they can learn from you.
Take time to talk about what is happening with children/young people.
Stay connected via phone, video call and social media.
Answer questions and share facts from reputable sources.
Try to keep a regular routine.
Advice relating to COVID-19 for families
Advice relating to Coronavirus for families living with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and other Learning Disabilities
In the current climate, and at a time when a global pandemic is taking up most of the media conversation, it can be even more difficult to manage anxiety. We wanted to provide you with some information and resources to help you deal with this difficult time.
Anxiety and autism
We know that changes to routine, uncertainty, the sensory challenges of increased handwashing and the general anxiety of the situation can have a big impact for people with autism.
Most of us will have concerns at the moment but for people with autism this can often be heightened.
This anxiety can lead to meltdowns or may have a significant impact on their mental health and ability to cope.
Take a look at our ideas for support >
Keep it clear and simple and answer any questions using official government advice as detailed here.
Carry on
Familiarity and routine may be important to many people with autism, as well as the quality of their social interactions. Wherever possible, help them safeguard their routines, or help them to build new ones, as long as they are in line with the official government advice. Keeping to their usual timetable may help with this, with changes made as appropriate – for example, sticking to usual office and break hours if instructed to work from home.
Sensory opportunities
As part of a daily routine it may be helpful to provide opportunities for your child/young person to engage in enjoyable sensory activities. For further information and ideas please visit the National Autistic Society and
Special interests
People with autism often have defined special interests. If changes mean that they cannot undertake these interests (e.g. cancellation of sporting events), help them find other ways to connect with these interests for example joining in with the activities online.
Be aware that changes to daily routines are not easy for many people with autism. Support them however you can in order to ease the impact of any change, whether due to self-isolation or due to the closure of events, workplaces, or schools.
Keep in contact with friends and family via text, email, or video call may help prevent people from feeling socially isolated or excluded.
People with autism may need more time and your support to manage the changes effectively.
Domestic Abuse
COVID-19 is an extremely difficult and worrying time for everyone, but particularly for those who are vulnerable or living with domestic abuse. If you’re experiencing domestic abuse, please seek help.
You can:
Call the national Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0808 2000 247 or visit
Confide in your line manager or contact one of NCH&C’s Domestic Abuse Champions. Visit our Intranet and search Domestic Abuse Champions