Diabetes Specialist Podiatrists

Diabetes Specialist Podiatrists

People with diabetes are at much greater risk of developing foot problems.

This is because raised blood sugar can damage the nerves, reducing sensation in the feet.  It can also affect the circulation, reducing the blood supply to the feet. These complications can lead to foot wounds (ulcers), infection, fractures, and, at worst, amputations.

Each day, 23 people with diabetes in England will have a toe, foot or leg amputated. Around 1,000 people in Norfolk have diabetic foot ulcers right now – that’s around 280 per CCG.

What do Diabetes Specialist Podiatrists do?

  • Assess, treat and manage both inpatients and outpatients who present with acute diabetes foot complications, which can be limb and life threatening
  • Work within a multidisciplinary team (MDT), including podiatry, endocrinology, vascular, orthotics and orthopaedics
  • provide foot assessment, diagnosis, wound interventions and treatment planning – aiming to resolve the foot problem quickly and maintain quality of life
  • Have a key role in preventing admission and reducing length of stay

Best bits of the job?

  • Working within an expert MDT and being valued as an integral part of it
  • Observing excellent outcomes, which we have been a part of, and seeing genuine patient gratitude
  • The fast paced, ‘every day is different’ environment

Diabetes Specialist Podiatrist