Latest News

Here’s a taste of some of the news from NCH&C...

14th January 2020

International Year of the Nurse and Midwife

2020 is Florence Nightingale’s bicentennial year and has been designated by World Health Organisation as the first ever international Year of the Nurse and Midwife.

6th January 2020

Community nursing jobs

If you have ever thought about becoming a nurse - now is the time as we celebrate #YearOfTheNurseAndMidwife. Find out more about our community nurse vacancies across the county.

3rd January 2020

Happy New Year! Anna celebrates MBE announcement

Anna Morgan is to be awarded an MBE for services to nursing and her work on NCH&C's Outstanding CQC rating

25th December 2019

Thank you to all our staff this Christmas

It's the final day of our Community Christmas Countdown and we're saying a really big thank you to all our staff

24th December 2019

NCH&C welcomes Community Dietetics service

Day Six of our Community Christmas Countdown and we're looking back to earlier this month when 25 Community Dietetics staff joined NCH&C.

23rd December 2019

Growing our own talent at NCH&C

We welcomed over 100 new apprentices this year as part of our commitment to growing our own.

22nd December 2019

NCH&C wins extended High Intensity User Service contract

Day Four of Community Christmas Countdown and we're celebrating the announcement from July that we had been awarded the extended High Intensity Users Service contract.

21st December 2019

NCH&C Nurses Scoop Top Award

We were thrilled that NCH&C colleagues Rosy Watson and Kirstie Sainsbury-Logan were awarded the prestigious title of Queen’s Nurse in July.

20th December 2019

100 years of LD Nursing

Day Two of Community Christmas Countdown: we said thanks to our LD Nurses in recognition of 100 years of LD Nursing

19th December 2019

REACH Awards 2019

Celebrating another year of outstanding community health and care - starting today with a look back at the Reach Awards 2019