Leg Matters Week 2021
Legs Matter Week 2021
Every day, thousands of people’s quality of life is devastated by the lack of awareness, prompt diagnosis and correct treatment of lower leg and foot conditions.
There are 1 million people in the UK with a lower limb ulcer – that’s 2.0% of all adults. 560,000 of these ulcers are venous leg ulcers and there are 326,000 people in the UK with a diabetic foot ulcer – that’s 9% of all adults with diabetes. (Guest et al 2020).
Our legs and feet do a lot for us but often they don’t get the attention they deserve. It’s really important we keep an eye on our lower legs and feet. Even the smallest change to how they look and feel can be a sign of something more serious.
Throughout the week we will be posting guidance and tips to help people take charge of their leg and foot health. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn to keep up to date.
For more information on Leg Matters Week, have a look at the Legs Matter website.