Recite Me

NCH&C pledges to help children and young people in Norfolk Flourish

NCH&C's Flourish pledge


Launched last year, Flourish is a Children and Young Peoples Partnership Strategy with the aim of enabling all children and young people in Norfolk to thrive. It has been developed for children and young people by children and young people, and has been inspired by the things young people have told us are most important to them.

NCH&C has developed a Flourish Pledge, formulated in consultation with Norfolk County Council and using feedback from NCH&C’s Children’s Services team leaders. The quality improvement agenda and operational priorities for Children’s Services have also informed the pledge. We will be required to demonstrate progress against our pledge in the coming year.

Other teams that work with families that sit outside of Children and Young People (CYP) at NCH&C should consider making their own local pledge. Please contact Amie Swithenbank if you require any support with this.

Why you should make a pledge

By making your Flourish Pledge, you will be joining organisations around Norfolk in:

  • Directly improving children and young people’s lives
  • Raising the profile of your organisation or work
  • Achieving corporate social responsibility
  • Reaching a wider audience or customer base
  • Making Norfolk a better place for young people and families to live and visit

Read more about Flourish here.

For more information, please contact:  Amie Swithenbank  Head of Service – Children’s and Young People Services, Adult respite and Trust Admin.
