NCH&C Strategy 2023-27
We're very pleased to share our strategy for 2023-27.
This has been developed with input from colleagues across NCH&C, as well as from partners across the wider health and social care system in Norfolk and Waveney. Gaining the views of as many people as we can has been important in helping us shape a strategy that responds to current demands facing NHS organisations but also looks ahead with ambition.
Click here to see our new NCH&C Strategy.
We’ve produced a short animation of our strategy, which you can watch here.
The strategic priorities we have identified reflect the importance of working closely with partners, ensuring the care we deliver meets the highest standards, and embracing technology:
- Deepening our integration with partners
- Attracting and developing brilliant teams
- Continually improving standards of excellence
- Advancing our use of data and technology
- Being a future-focused organisation
For each of these areas of focus, our strategy articulates the outcomes we’re working towards and the commitments that will help us deliver them. As ever, we’ll be guided in everything we do by our core values of community, compassion, and creativity.
Thank you to colleagues and partners across the health and care system for the support, engagement and input that has helped us define our ambition and shape our strategy.